Patong Language School is open as usual and classes are running as scheduled.
Thai Courses
Our Thai Foundation Course is starting every Monday as planned.
Easy-Going Thai classes have two twice-weekly sessions ongoing.
Intensive Thai classes have been very busy since September 2021, mostly thanks to Swedish CSN supported students joing us for several months at a time. There are currently students in level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4.
Many students who are unable to travel to Thailand are studying online with us visa video call.
English Courses
Some months ago we changed from our Levels 1 to 8 English course, which we had been operating since 1992. We introduced a new Reading Emglish Course for beginner learners, followed by a new English Foundation Course.
Easy-Going English in 2 levels followed soon after and has been very well accepted.
Online Courses & Bookshop
Our newly introduced online courses have proven very popular, as has our new bookshop. All study books were updated during the pandemic, while we had the time to do it.
Other Courses
German A1 has seen a slow increase in numnbers over the last few months and our private Japanese lessons have increased in popularity.
We’re glad to be open and hope to see you in Phuket again soon!